Thank you for your interest in submitting a resource, event, or story to the GT Discover website for gifted and talented educators, families, and other stakeholders. Please reference the guidelines below before submitting your resources. All content submitted must abide by these guidelines and our Terms and Conditions. If you have questions or difficulty completing any of the submission forms, please contact us.
What Type of Content is Appropriate?
GT Discover features high-quality content on topics relating to giftedness and gifted and talented education for our statewide, national, and international audiences. Examples of content include:
- Content related to one or more of our featured topics: Professional Learning for Educators, Opportunities for Gifted Students such as: Online and, Enrichment Opportunities, Scholarships; Resources for Educators and/or Families on: Gifted and Talented Identification, Instructional Best Practices, Organizations, Programs/Services, Social/Emotional Information, Special Populations, Research, Policy, and Advocacy.
- Short- or moderate-length articles, usually between 500 and 2,000 words. Topics might include gifted and talented research, success stories, programs, or initiatives.
- Produced and edited video clips up to five minutes in duration. Videos must be captioned.
How Does it Work?
If you or your program, school, college, or organization is interested in submitting content to be included on this website, please use the submission form below. Please include a one-paragraph description of your resources as well as the intended audience (families or education professionals).
You will receive an automated response indicating that we have received your submission. The materials will then go to a committee of experts for a decision about inclusion on the website. The process from submission to publication is approximately one month.
MSDE Disclaimer of Endorsement:
Any reference obtained from this website to a specific event, activity, program or service; and all views and opinions expressed in any referenced do not constitute or imply an endorsement by or state or reflect the views of the Maryland State Department of Education, Johns Hopkins University, State of Maryland, Jacob K. Javits Program, U.S. Department of Education, or U.S. government.
Submission Form:
Monthly Feature

Need Help?
Reference our Frequently Asked Questions or review our Glossary of Terms.