Gifted and talented children need the adults in their lives to work together to advocate for the support and opportunities they need to thrive. A partnership between home, school, and the community can ensure gifted and talented children receive a challenging education that meets their unique needs.
Racial equity tools are designed to integrate explicit consideration of racial equity in decisions, including policies, practices, programs, and budgets ...
Personal account of how the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) talent search program helped one parent advocate for ...
Position Statement: NAGC believes that parents and families of gifted, high-ability, and advanced learners matter ...
Across all 50 states, there are different ways in which states allocate K-12 funding to districts. Education Commission of the ...
Parents and caregivers are a gifted child’s best advocates, especially when schools lack appropriate identification policies, adequate services, and resources ...
Position Statement: As our society continues to become more diverse, it is even more important that we develop the great ...
While the general belief is that gifted and talented students do not require additional resources to successfully complete their educational ...
Increase access and opportunities to increase achievement and growth for all. To set the foundation for realizing both equity and ...